Support Services
Who We Are

Loan Heran
Whanake Youth
My name is Loan, I am a Youth Health Worker for Whanake Youth. I am at Broadgreen Intermediate every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning.
My role at Broadgreen Intermediate School is to provide attendance and wellbeing support for students and their whānau and family who may be experiencing challenges.
As a youth health worker I can act as an advocate for young people and their whānau, be a liaison person between the whānau and school, explore any health, wellbeing and attendance needs, complete referrals and assist with developing plans for any solutions you might be looking for.
021 159 1799
Cate Gully
The learning support team works to harness the collective knowledge and experiences of parents and whānau, and specialist agencies to plan and implement Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or Individual Behaviour Plans (IBPs) to support students with special education abilities. All students on the Learning Support Register have a Transition Action Plan (TAP) which summarises the support programmes and interventions the students received at Broadgreen and recommends successful strategies for students moving to College.
03 547 7131